Monday, February 15, 2010

Sims 3 World Adventures The Third Relic Finding The Relic Of Eternity-Sims 3 World Adventures?

Finding the relic of eternity-Sims 3 World adventures? - sims 3 world adventures the third relic

On problems opening doors.I three clock in the Great Pyramid of Egypt, on the second floor of the statue had down.Theres red furniture and pushed me up a stone and found a different, but at no other statues. When I stand on a rock, then push the stone statue BTU other appears when I'm on the other stone is a stone Saint third cat, but I'm not, because if I move the stone has disappeared.

1 comment:

sports_c... said...

All the red statue is a statue of the vein gray things in it.
You can make a

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