Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Keratoconus More Condition_treatment How Can A Person Recover Form Keratoconus Problem (eyes)?

How can a person recover form Keratoconus problem (eyes)? - keratoconus more condition_treatment

It is a problem with the cornea of the eye.


Divya K said...

The method works by increasing collagen cross-linking, the pillars of the natural cornea are

Corneal collagen crosslinking with riboflavin (C3-R), for the treatment of keratoconus, a disease of the cornea, which was recently in India, specializing Dr Vinay Agarwal Mumbai Clear Vision Eye Center surgeons, the administration launched in keratoconus corneas.

Keratoconus causes the cornea is too weak and can protrude to the outside. In most cases this is in the bottom half of the cornea and presents difficult as the first astigmatism. Internships, "but all astigmatism is due to keratoconus. In mild keratoconus (keratoconus so frustrating) able vision glasses correct astigmatism," says Agarwal.

C3-R has shown to strengthen the weak corneal structure. This method works by increasing collagen crosslinking, are the pillars of the natural cornea. These anchors are designed for the prevention of corneal glue and too steep and irregular, consequence of advanced keratoconus responsible.

Dr. Agarwalhas successfully completed the cross-linked cornea in a number of patients across the country and abroad. He said: "The power of the cornea of the cross is the first real treatment for my patients with keratoconus. The achievement of stabilization of a dramatic event in the life of these patients with progressive disease, which otherwise, both her eyes."

The 30-minute non-invasive treatment C3-R is performed in the doctor. Be applied during the treatment, riboflavin as drops to the cornea, which is activated by UV light. This amazingly simple process has been demonstrated in laboratory and clinical studies to increase the cross-linking of collagen in the cornea and strengthen the cornea. In the published European studies, these treatments proved safe and effective for patients.

Abnormal curvature of the cornea due to keratoconus changes the cornea, blurred vision of the refractive error producing moderate to severe vision. "With the advanced keratoconus, rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses can not be the only-SurgiCal way of achieving a clear vision, "says Dr Agarwal. If the disease progresses, scarring can occur to the central cornea.

About half of patients with keratoconus lifestyles have no negative impact on visual aids. The cornea is after several years without severe visual impairment stabilized. For others, the only solution for keratoconus has been penetrating PKP) (keratoplasty, with a long healing period and unpredictable refractive error. Even after corneal transplant PKP keratoconus can replicate in the cornea donors.

Divya K said...

The method works by increasing collagen cross-linking, the pillars of the natural cornea are

Corneal collagen crosslinking with riboflavin (C3-R), for the treatment of keratoconus, a disease of the cornea, which was recently in India, specializing Dr Vinay Agarwal Mumbai Clear Vision Eye Center surgeons, the administration launched in keratoconus corneas.

Keratoconus causes the cornea is too weak and can protrude to the outside. In most cases this is in the bottom half of the cornea and presents difficult as the first astigmatism. Internships, "but all astigmatism is due to keratoconus. In mild keratoconus (keratoconus so frustrating) able vision glasses correct astigmatism," says Agarwal.

C3-R has shown to strengthen the weak corneal structure. This method works by increasing collagen crosslinking, are the pillars of the natural cornea. These anchors are designed for the prevention of corneal glue and too steep and irregular, consequence of advanced keratoconus responsible.

Dr. Agarwalhas successfully completed the cross-linked cornea in a number of patients across the country and abroad. He said: "The power of the cornea of the cross is the first real treatment for my patients with keratoconus. The achievement of stabilization of a dramatic event in the life of these patients with progressive disease, which otherwise, both her eyes."

The 30-minute non-invasive treatment C3-R is performed in the doctor. Be applied during the treatment, riboflavin as drops to the cornea, which is activated by UV light. This amazingly simple process has been demonstrated in laboratory and clinical studies to increase the cross-linking of collagen in the cornea and strengthen the cornea. In the published European studies, these treatments proved safe and effective for patients.

Abnormal curvature of the cornea due to keratoconus changes the cornea, blurred vision of the refractive error producing moderate to severe vision. "With the advanced keratoconus, rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses can not be the only-SurgiCal way of achieving a clear vision, "says Dr Agarwal. If the disease progresses, scarring can occur to the central cornea.

About half of patients with keratoconus lifestyles have no negative impact on visual aids. The cornea is after several years without severe visual impairment stabilized. For others, the only solution for keratoconus has been penetrating PKP) (keratoplasty, with a long healing period and unpredictable refractive error. Even after corneal transplant PKP keratoconus can replicate in the cornea donors.

matador 89 said...

You may already know these details, but if they are not aware of all short on the subject. Keratoconus is a slowly progressive disease occurs frequently in their twenties or early adolescents with decreased vision or visual distortion due to an irregular protrusion of the cornea, the transparent surface in the colored part of the eye. It is structurally similar to the glass of the clock. If this crystal or glass is not smooth, does not come to bend the light evenly and creates an irregular image. Like the view through a rough piece of glass. Many references are to Munson as a sign for the diagnosis of keratoconus to be signed. Munson sign is visible protruding lower eyelid, during downward, because the cone outside, push the lid. However, patients must have advanced keratoconus, point to this sign. Other signs of keratoconus should be easily detected before Munson's sign is absent. One of the first signs of keratoconus Fleisher ring. There is a ring of pigment (hemosiderin), whichdeposited at the base of the cone in the deep layers of the epithelium of the cornea. As the disease progresses, vision and not be corrected with glasses. Iron is deposited around the base of the bridge. The tissue and can develop stripes Vogt - It is white and fine lines, deep into the corneal stroma, or Descemet's membrane. They are vertical in the rule. In severe cases, as a temporary painful condition of acute hydrops can occur when water in the area of thinning of the cornea rushes. This can lead to severe scarring. Corneal transplant or penetrating keratoplasty surgery should be considered in case of failure of other treatments considered. The goal of treatment for keratoconus is an orderly development of the eyeglass lens corneal transplantation. The glasses are an effective way to correct mild keratoconus. The cornea stiffens and is more irregular, the glasses are no longer able to provide adequate visual improvements. The cornea transplant surgery is indicated if the patient can not wear contact lenses or a reasonable timef the time or the vision, even with contacts, not satisfactory. About 90% of corneal transplants, with most patients achieving 20/40 vision or better after the successful, either with glasses or contact lenses. A gas-permeable contact lenses, the most effective way of managing keratoconus and 90% of the cases can be treated in this way indefinitely. When the cornea is too strong or pain, corneal transplant may be necessary.

All answers must be carefully studied in this forum and especially this. - Most of the answers are wrong.

It is very important for an accurate diagnosis before trying to get to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease. A doctor should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

I'll add a link to the details of this and a link to the group of keratoconus United Kingdom, where MAFurther information --
expert_contributions / kp / cure_caution.h ...

Hope this helps
Matador 89

Winnie said...

I know that has an intolerance of cataract formation associated undiagnosed gluten than others to suffer from eye diseases, it seems likely that keratoconus may be helped by a gluten-free diet. You have nothing to try to lose one anyway. Doctors are not taught anything about gluten intolerance, medical school, but an intolerance to gluten, has been marketed in more than 200 different diseases. I have the first signs of cataracts and other eye disorders, and recently discovered that I'm intolerant to gluten. It was a shock because I'm younger, so I am slightly annoyed that gluten intolerance has not been previously collected and have a few conditions which I know now that will be caused by gluten. ...

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